
The Voice 2022 Elimination Tonight – Season 22

NBC’s singing reality show The Voice 2022 (Season 22) got a great start from its blind audition premiere.

Now these blind auditions are over and we got top 56 selected contestants (14 singers per team) who will continue further in this singing journey. These 56 singers will compete in the singing battle known as The Battles.

In The Battles, the coaches will put two artists in a singing battle, and select one of them to advance to the Knockouts.

While the losing singer can be saved by their coach or stolen by the other coaches.

At the end of these rounds, we will get total 36 contestants who will compete in the Knockouts for their spot in LIVE playoffs.

On December 12-13, 2022, we saw 2-day LIVE finale with our Top 5 finalists. At the end, Bryce Leatherwood became the winner of The Voice 2022.

The Voice 2022 Elimination Updates

On December 13th, 2022, Bryce Leatherwood became the winner of The Voice 2022. While Bodie and Morgan were runner-ups. Omar and Brayden secured fourth and fifth place in this season.

On December 6th, 2022, bodie, Bryce, Brayden, and Morgan became the first four finalists of The Voice. While Parijita, Omar, Kim, and Justin competed in the Instant Save. From them, Omar became the 5th finalist.

On November 29th, 2022, Rowan Grace and Kique got eliminated from The Voice 2022 and we got Top 8.

⇄ Scroll to see full table
Sr No.Contestant NameAgeTeamStatus
1Omar Jose Cardona33Legend4th Place
2Emma Brooke19LegendEliminated
3David Andrew25LegendEliminated
(The Battles)
4Valarie Harding41LegendEliminated
5Peyton Aldridge25LegendEliminated
6Morgan Taylor20LegendEliminated
7Parijita Bastola17LegendEliminated
8The Marilynds30-34LegendEliminated
(The Battles)
10Kara McKee36LegendEliminated
(The Battles)
11Lana Love30LegendEliminated
(The Battles)
12Dia Malai26LegendEliminated
(The Battles)
13Nia Skyfer26LegendEliminated
(The Battles)
14Kim Cruse30LegendEliminated
15Orlando Mendez26CamilaEliminated
16Reina Ley13CamilaEliminated
17Morgan Myles35CamilaRunner-up
(Top 13)
20Andrew Igbokidi22CamilaEliminated
21Sasha Hurtado18Legend
(Top 16)
22Ava Lynn Thuresson18CamilaEliminated
(The Battles)
23Sydney Kronmiller25CamilaEliminated
(The Battles)
24Eric Who22CamilaEliminated
(Top 13)
25Steven McMorran40CamilaEliminated
26Zach Newbould19CamilaEliminated
(The Battles)
27Grace Bello21CamilaEliminated
(The Battles)
28Constance Howard27CamilaEliminated
(The Battles)
29Ian Harrison20Legend
30Jay Allen36Blake
31Sadie Bass25GwenEliminated
(The Battles)
32Cara Brindisi34GwenEliminated
33Julia Aslanli23GwenEliminated
(The Battles)
34Tanner Howe29GwenEliminated
(The Battles)
36Kayla Von Der Heide30GwenEliminated
37Destiny Leigh18GwenEliminated
(Top 10)
39Rowan Grace16Blake
(Top 10)
40Jillian Jordyn17GwenEliminated
(The Battles)
41Justin Aaron34GwenEliminated
42Alyssa Witrado19GwenEliminated
(Top 13)
43Kevin Hawkins28Gwen
(Top 16)
44Bryce Leatherwood22BlakeWinner 🏆
45Brayden Lape15Blake5th Place
46The Dryes33-36BlakeEliminated
47Madison Hughes25BlakeEliminated
(The Battles)
48Tanner Fussell28BlakeEliminated
(The Battles)
49Eva Ullmann21BlakeEliminated
50Kate Kalvach27Camila
(Top 16)
51Hillary Torchiana34BlakeEliminated
(The Battles)
52Ansley Burns15BlakeEliminated
(The Battles)
54Austin Montgomery19BlakeEliminated
55Benny Weag29BlakeEliminated
(The Battles)
56Jaeden Luke22Camila

All the best to Team Legend, Team Gwen, Team Camila, and Team Blake.

Stay connected with us for all the latest updates and news about NBC’s The Voice.

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