In the upcoming story of Sanjivani 2, viewers will see an interesting twist where Vardhan traps Dr. Anjali in the surrogacy scandal but Sid-Ishani will reveal the truth.
So far we have seen that Dr. Shashank died in an accident and now Vardhan decides to take revenge from Shashank’s children Dr. Anjali and Dr. Sid.
Here Sid and Ishani join hands and starts their mission to expose Vardhan’s real face in front of everybody.
They start a search from Vardhan’s luxury ward and get a list of shocking illegal bank transfers.
Later this duo will find a secret room which is full of pregnant ladies who are kept in Sanjivani as a part of the surrogacy business.
Ishani and Sid get shocked learning this evil deed done by Vardhan.
Vardhan planned to blame Dr. Anjali, he calls media
Vardhan has created a trap for Dr. Anjali and is doing all this to become the new CEO of Sanjivani Hospital.
Later on, he calls media personnel and will put all blame and allegations over Anjali saying she is doing this surrogacy scam in Sanjivani.
But Sid-Ishani very well knows that Anjali is innocent and Vardhan is the real mastermind behind this scandal.
Hence Sid, Rahil, and Ishani will try to find more evidence to prove Anjali guiltless.
Now it would be very interesting to see how Sid-Ishani will prove Anjali innocent and Vardhan guilty.
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