In the upcoming story of Sanjivani 2, viewers will see some more melodrama as Ishani saved Guddu from accident.
So far we have seen that Dr. Sid is suspended from Sanjivani due to unconsciousness during CP’s surgery and today in Board meeting Sid’s career will be decided.
But Vardhan and Dr. Asha is not happy to let this happen and uses Guddu mama in this.
Asha misleads Guddu and Guddu goes missing in market.
Board members are angry with Sid’s absence
Sid on the other hand got Guddu mama’s missing news and he left Board meeting.
Dr. Shashank Juhi and other board members are frustrated seeing Dr. Sid taking all this lightly.
Vardhan is doing all the things which he can do to blame Sid where Dr. Juhi takes Sid’s side saying he is one of the best doctor of Sanjivani.
On the other hand, Guddu was about to face an accident where Ishani reaches there and save him.
Here in board meeting it is finalized that Dr. Sid’s careeer would be decided by voting.
Every doctor will have to give his vote whether Sid did that intentionally or it was just an accident.
Now it would be interesting to see whether doctors will save Sid or he will be fired from Sanjivani.
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