In the upcoming story of Sanjivani 2, viewers will see a huge twist where Dr. Ishani pushed Dr. Sid’s life in death mouth with the organ trafficking scandal in the hospital.
So far we have seen that Ishani is devastated seeing Dr. Sid in Sanjivani and hence orders Mr. Singh to another hospital.
But Mr. Singh brings Dr. Sid in his house for Sid’s treatment from Dr. Ishani.
Ishani is shocked seeing Dr. Sid in their house and later takes a wrong step to shift Dr. Sid from her house.
On the other side, Nurse Philo and Dr. Rahil are continuously searching where Dr. Sid is admitted but fails to do so.
Ishani admit Dr. Sid in a hospital doing organ trafficking
Dr. Ishani calls and admits Sid in Care On nursing hospital for his further treatment. Mr. Singh and Bebe have no idea about this action.
Ishani is totally unaware that the doctors of this hospital are involved in organ trafficking scandal.
And their doctors have already planned what to do with Dr. Sid’s body.
At this spot, Dr. Rahil learns the shocking truth that Ishani admitted Dr. Sid in a hospital that is involved in organ scandal.
Dr. Rahil scolds Ishani for putting Sid’s life at risk once again.
Now it would be very much interesting to see whether Ishani and Rahil will save Sid or not.
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