In the upcoming story of Sanjivani 2, viewers will see an interesting twist after a leap of 3 years where Dr. Ishani is married to Mr. NV Singh.
So far we have seen that Dr. Sid ended his relation with Dr. Ishani due to her Mama Mami’s rude behavior.
Sid and his family shifted to America for his further studies and Ishani is heartbroken. We also saw that the entire Sanjivani Hospital got burned in a fire accident and it is completely closed.
Now we will see a leap of 3 years in the storyline with a new entry of a reputed business investor Navratna Singh or Mr. NV Singh.
Mr. Singh invested in this hospital and now he is the new owner of Sanjivani.
The role of Mr. NV Singh is played by a talented actor Gaurav Chopra. He was last seen in Zee TV’s serial Aghori as Adhvik.
A love triangle between Mr. NV Singh, Ishani, and Sid
Later on, we will see a twist that Ishani got married to this guy Mr. NV Singh and he is taking full care of her.
On the other side, Ishani is seen as stressful who is doing clay work to calm down her mind and stress out psychological tactics.
As per the new story, Dr. Sid will return from America after completing his studies.
We will see a love triangle between Mr. Singh, Dr. Ishani, and Dr. Sid.
Now it would be very interesting to see how Ishani will recover from her stress and when Dr. Sid will make his re-entry in Sanjivani.
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