In the upcoming story of Kasauti Zindagi Ki 2, Viraj will feel jealous seeing Anurag-Prerna romantic dance and care for her during the New Year party.
So far we have seen that the doctor informs Basus that Anurag will regain his memory shortly, Komolika is frustrated hearing this news.
Later on, with this good news, Nivedita and Moloy will throw a New Year party where Sonalika invites Prerna and her future husband Viraj.
In the New Year party, couples will enjoy a romantic dance and Prerna-Anurag will also get a chance to dance with together.
Viraj feels jealous, Komolika-Ronit plans to kill Prerna
On the other hand, Sonalika is very much angry and meets her brother Ronit and plans to kill Prerna.
Later Prerna gets injured while dancing at the party and Anurag takes care of her.
Viraj notices this and feels jealous seeing Anurag taking more care of Prerna.
Hence Viraj confronts Anurag on why he is showing this much support and care for Prerna.
Now it would be interesting to see whether Anurag will recall his past memory or not.
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