In the upcoming story of Kasauti Zindagi Ki, viewers will see Police to arrest Mr. Bajaj after the statement from Anurag on his accident case.
So far we have seen that Anurag met an accident which was done by Mr. Bajaj’s car.
Now we will see Anurag gets Mr. Bajaj arrested for an attempt to murder where Bajaj clarifies that it was not done intentionally.
But here Basus are not ready to understand Bajaj and thus request police to arrest him.
Bajaj says no to bail, Prerna tensed
On the other hand, Prerna also thinks the same and accuse Mr. Bajaj on trying to kill Anurag.
After hearing these words of Prerna, innocent Bajaj will decide to surrender and go to jail.
Later on, when Bajaj’s lawyer will come in jail for signature on bail papers, Mr. Bajaj will refuse to sign it.
We will also see a loud argument between Prerna and Bajaj in the police station.
Now it would be engrossing to see whether Bajaj will sign on bail papers or not.
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