Hunter Girl is an American Idol 2022 (Season 20) contestant who is 26 years old from Gruetli-Laager, Tennessee. She is a singer and a songwriter.
Hunter Girl (Real name: Hunter Wolkonowski) was born in military family where at the age of 3, she started performing in her grandfather’s church.
She started writing songs at the age of 9 years and later on moved to Winchester, TN at the age of 11 where she used to participate in local singing competitions and started performing at her local church.
She completed her graduation from Middle TN State University’s Music Business School in Recording Industry and Music Business.
Hunter Girl also won many songwriting competitions such as “Nash Next”, Nashville Songwriter Association International and many more.
Hunter Girl’s Wiki / Bio / Age
Hunter Girl’s Official Accounts
Some Images of Hunter Girl
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I think they messed up, i love Noah dont get me wrong, but the talent was with you. But i know it was for best, because your not tied to any contract. By yourself you have soo much mote going on. Very talented and beautiful lady. Good luck
You have quite a career ahead of you Huntergirl!!!! God bless you!!! Thank you for everything you do for all the veterans sweetie, please continue!!!!
You got this.. Red Bird is a great 🎶 song!!
I wish you all the best. I know you have a tremendous future ahead of you. Love love your voice, your personality and your compassion for others. I hope to see you on tour in Virginia soon. I will be there.
You will go extremely far Hunter girl me and my family sit around and watch you while I’m off for the summer not touring you’re amazing
You’ll go far hunter.
She is great!!!