
How to Vote America’s Got Talent 2021 Contestants – Finals Voting Methods

NBC’s America’s Got Talent 2021 (AGT Season 16) got awesome contestants during auditions and now the show reached to the quarter-finals.

Now we will see all the selected contestants will show their performance in the live quarter-final round and from them some will advanced to the semi-finals.

In these live shows, viewers can also vote for their favourite contestants/act whom they want to send forward to the next round.

The eligible viewers can vote and save the contestants with the help of provided voting methods.

Read further for all the voting methods as well as how to vote for America’s Wildcard contestants using twitter.

America’s Got Talent 2021 Vote

To vote and save your favourite act, makers have released 2 voting methods for the viewers.

For September 14, 2021 – September 15, 2021: The contestants performing in the grand finale of AGT 2021 are: Aidan Bryant, Brooke Simpson, Dustin Tavella, Gina Brillon, Jimmie Herrod, Josh Blue, Léa Kyle, Northwell Nurse Choir, Victory Brinker, and World Taekwondo Demo. Team.

1. Vote using Mobile App:

If you are an iOS or Android mobile user, then you can install The AGT Official App from the App Store or Google Playstore.

Later on, you will need to register/login in the app using NBCUniversal Profile account.

Now click on VOTE button and choose the act you want to vote. At last, just click on Submit Votes button to save your votes.

Note: With this method you can cast 10 votes per act on each voting window.

2. Vote using

This is another method to vote your favourite contestants.

To vote using this voting method, you need to open in your browser.

Later on, you have to register/login in with your NBCUniversal Profile.

Now choose your favourite act to vote and click on Submit Votes button to save your changes.

Note: With this method also you can cast maximum 10 votes per act on each voting window.

America’s Got Talent Finals Voting Window

To submit your votes to the acts, an Overnight Voting Window is created for the viewers when you can vote for your favourite contestant and make him/her winner of AGT 2021. Once this window closes, your vote will not be counted.

The voting lines will open from Tuesday 8:00 PM ET and closes on Wednesday 7:00 AM ET.

AGT Wildcard Act Voting

UPDATE: From this Wildcard Competition, Storm Large was declared as the winner and rejoined America’s Got Talent 2021 as a wildcard.

Along with the above voting, there is a seperate voting method for the Wildcard acts/performances.

These wildcard entries are: Patrick Kunn (Magician), Matt Mauser (Singer), Storm Large (Singer), Mike Goodwin (Comedian), and Dylan Zangwill (Musician).

Viewers can vote their wildcard contestants using Twitter.

To vote your favourite act/contestant, you need to tweet in the given format.

Tweet format: #AGTWildcard @act_twitter_handle

For example if you are voting for Patrick Kunn then you need to write tweet as follows:

#AGTWildcard @PatrickKunMagic

The voting window for America’s wildcard acts will be available from Tuesday, August 10, 2021 2:00 PM ET through Friday, August 13, 2021 7:00 AM ET.

Get ready to insta save your favorites on America’s Got Talent 2021.

Stay connected with us for all the latest updates and news about AGT 2021.

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