Star Plus popular serial Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein GHKKPM is gearing up for some intense drama and interesting twists in the upcoming story.
Sai warns Gulabrao to stay away from her and Savi while this hurts Gulabrao’s ego and turns revengeful.
While Vinayak waits to meet Savi and Sai before leaving but unfortunately Virat and Sai’s meeting gets postponed.
Later Vinayak returns home while Pakhi waits for him eagerly and also Bhavani calls Ashwini as Pakhi’s mother-in-law which means Virat and Pakhi go married for Vinayak.
But Vinayak doesn’t seems to be very attached to Pakhi while he compares Pakhi and Sai’s modaks amd makes Sai the winner.
Pakhi learns the truth
While both Sai and Virat’s family gets ready to celebrate Ganapati puja when Jagtap is seen with Savi as he has turned to be a good friend of Sai.
On the other hand Chavan family welcomes Ganapathi Bappa when Pakhi finds Sai and Savi’s picture in Vinayak’s belongings.
What more drama is waiting ahead? Will pakhi keep Vinayak away from Sai?
Stay tuned for more updates on GHKKPM.
i want sai and virat to get back together along with their kids
Ja ek wil ook graag dat Sai en Virat vir goed bymekaar sal wees. Sy moet pahki uitwerk en haar al ha hel gee
I want sai n viral to cm together along with their kids.i love them both.
I agree but how vinyak is living with chavan palkhi is his mother and sai and virat can never United again because palkhi is now maried to virat and she still hates sai
I believe Sai should take her son and walk with both her kids… as I believe Pakhi only wants Virat but Virat only loves Sai…so he must choose who he prefers to be with…his family or wife and kids but never return to Chavan hou se as Virat said Sai is an orphan. Let all Chavans realise their mistake… But Sai must get her kids with by all means!!!
she cant return to chavan house she does not even want to, and now palkhi and virat are maried what must she do there