Star Bharat is back with a new comedy show named Gangs Of Filmistan (गैंग्ज़ ऑफ़ फ़िल्मिस्तान) which is produced by Preeti Simoes and Neeti Simoes under the banner of Lil Frodo Productions.
The show Gangs Of Filmistaan will showcase an hour of non-stop comedy which will bring a loud blast of laughter for their fans and overcome boredom in a pinch!
The cast of Filmistan includes Sunil Grover, Shilpa Shinde, Sanket Bhosale, Sugandha Mishra, and many more.
Gangs Of Filmistan show will start from 31st August 2020, Mon-Fri at the time slot of 8:00 PM.
The legends of comedy is coming to fill your every breath with laughter! So be ready to enjoy this show.
Gangs Of Filmistan Start Date / Repeat Telecast Timing
Show name | Gangs Of Filmistan |
Channel | Star Bharat |
Produced By | Lil Frodo Productions |
Starting date | 31st August 2020 |
Telecast Time | Mon-Fri at 8:00 PM |
Repeat Telecast | Mon-Fri at 8:30 AM |
Gangs Of Filmistan Cast / Real Names
Sr No. | Cast |
1 | Sunil Grover |
2 | Shilpa Shinde |
3 | Sugandha Mishra |
4 | Sanket Bhosale |
5 | Paritosh Tripathi |
6 | Upasana Singh |
7 | Jatinder Suri |
8 | Sidharth Sagar |
**We will keep updating the star cast list.
Gangs Of Filmistan Promos
Disclaimer: The rights of the added featured image and embedded promos are related to their respective creators i.e Star Bharat.