
Dadi Amma Maan Jao: Anjali worried for her Aaji and Ajoba

In the upcoming story of Star Plus’ Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Maan Jao (DADAMJ), viewers will see a lovely bonding between Aaji-Ajoba and Anjali and Shraddha Pradhan.

Star Plus’s Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Maan Jao serial is making its start from 27th January 2020.

We will see two sisters Anjali and Shraddha Pradhan who are raised by their grandparents and now they are taking full care of their 75 years old kids.

Anjali Pradhan is a fashion designer by profession and loves her Ajoba, Aaji a lot and cannot leave them.

But Ajoba wants Anjali to get married and settle down in life while Anjali is not ready for the same.

Anjali in huge dilemma to get married or not

Anjali very well knows that Aaji-Ajoba cannot take care of themselves. So she is in dilemma to get married or not.

Therefore, Anjali rejects every marriage proposal if her life partner is not ready to take care of her grandparents.

Now it would be very interesting to see whether Anjali will find her perfect life partner who will take Ajoba and Aaji’s responsibility.

Stay connected with us for all the latest updates and gossips of Dadi Amma Maan Jao serial.

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